

作者:梦荧   发表于:
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级别: 文学秀才   总稿:59891篇,  月稿:0



silent 不说话的;沉默的

humorous 有幽默感的;滑稽有趣的


background 背景

Asian 亚洲(人)的,亚洲人

dare 敢于,胆敢

private 私人的;私密的

require 需要;要求

African 非洲(人)的;非洲人

speech 讲话;发言

score 得分;进球

interview 采访;面试;访谈

dea 对付,对待

ton 吨;大量;许多

guard 警卫;看守;守卫;保卫

European 欧洲(人)的;欧洲人

British 英国(人)的

public 民众;公开的;公众的

ant 蚂蚁

influence 影响

seldom 不常;很少

absent 缺席;不在

fail 重点不及格,失败;未能(做到)

examination 考试,审查

exactly 确切地,精确地

proud 自豪的;骄傲的

pride 自豪;骄傲

general 总的;普遍的;常规的;将军

introduction 介绍

from time to time 时常;有时

deal with 应对,处理

in public公开地在别人(尤指生人)面前



give up放弃

not...anymore 不再......


give aspeech做演讲

makeadecision 做决定

in person 亲身;亲自

even though 即使;尽管

take care of 照顾;照料

be absent from 缺席;不在

take pride in 为......感到自豪

be proud of 为.......骄傲;感到自豪


1.Mario,you used to be short, didntyou?


2. It's been three years since we last saw our primary school classmates.


3.Now she's not shy anymore and loves singing in front of crowds.


4. I always have to worry about how I appear to others, and I have to be verycareful about what I say or do.


1. Sometimes he was absent from classes and failed his examinations


2. She advised them to talk with their son in person.


3. Now I understand that even though they are busy, they are always thinkingofme.


1.funny adj.滑稽的;有趣的


其比较级和最高级形式分别为 funnier,funniest。

例: He told us some funny stories.他给我们讲了一些有趣的故事。

Sometimes he is funny, but sometimes he seems like a poet.


Thejokeis notfunny.那个笑话并不好笑。

2. Mario, you used to be short, didn't you?



例:Mary is verylazy,isn't she?玛丽很懒,不是吗?

They were notlate for the meeting, were they?他们开会没有迟到,是吗?

3. It's been three years since we last saw our primary school classmates.自从上次我们见到我们的小学同学以来已经有三年的时间了

要点精析 1

“It'sbeen+一段时间+since+从句”意为“自从......以来已经有多长时间了”还可表示为“Itis+一段时间+ since+从句”。

例: It has been five years since I began to learn English. =It's five years since Ibegan tolearn English.


要点精析 2

此句为现在完成时的句子。现在完成时常与 since引导的以某一时间为起点的时间状语或 for引导的一段时间连用,谓语动词要用延续性动词

例:She has lived in Beijing since 1998.她从1998年起就住在北京

We have known each other for five years.我们已经认识彼此5年了。

4. Yeah, his face always turned red when he talked to girls !


要点精析 1


例: When autumn comes, the leaves on the tree turn yellow.


要点精析 2

辨析 turn, become, grow, get 与 go

turn 多用于在颜色、性质等方面的变化,强调变化结果,后接形容词或过去分词

become 用法较为正式,强调由一种状态向另一种状态的变化过程已完成。后接形容词或名词

grow 表示逐渐变为新的状态的含义,着重变化过程get较口语化,表示进入或变成某种状态,强调“渐渐变得”,通常与形容词或形容词比较级连用,表状态

go通常表示由好变坏或由正常情况变成特殊情况。如”gobad"指食品变坏变质go blind"变瞎”,gomad"变疯”,gohungry"挨饿”。

例: Theleaves turn greenin spring.春天树叶变绿了

He became a doctorlast year. 去年他成为一名医生

My little brother is growing tall.我的弟弟长高了

The days get shorter and shorter in winter.在冬天,白天变得越来越短了

These eggs have gone bad.这些鸡蛋已经变质了

5....I interviewed 19-year-old Asian pop star Candy Wang....我采访了19岁的亚洲流行音乐明星王坎迪............


例:athree-year old girl -个3岁的女孩儿

He is aten-year old boy.他是一个10岁的男孩儿

6. Candy told me that she used to be really shy and took up singing to dealwith her shyness.


要点精析 1

takeup在这里意为“学着做:开始做”,指开始某项工作、某种爱好,尤其指做以前未做过的事。take up doing sth.意为“开始做某事”

例:He took uplearning English at the age offorty.他在四十岁时开始学英语。

He took up Spanish while in Spain.当他在西班牙的时候,他开始学习西班牙语

要点精析 2


例:Have you dealt with these letters yet?这些信件你已经处理了吗?

要点精析 3


例: Dancing helped her forget shyness.跳舞帮助她忘记了羞怯


7. Now she's not shy anymore and loves singing in front of crowds.现在她不再害羞,并且喜欢在观众面前唱歌。

要点精析 1

not...anymore 意为“不再......”,其同义短语有 no more,not...anylonger, no longer.

例:Heisn'ta teacher anymore.他不再是一位老师了

要点精析 2

辨析 not...any more 与 not...any longer

not...any more(=no more) 多指数量和程度上“不再”常修饰非延续性动词。常


not...any longer(=no longer)表示时间上或距离的“不再”,常修饰延续性动词


例: He will no more go there.他将不再去那里了

We don't live here any longer.=We no longer live here.我们不再在这里了。

8. She explained that there are many good things, like being able to traveland meet new people all the time.


要点精析 1

that there are many good things是由that引导的宾语从句在中作explained的宾语。

要点精析 2

able意为“能干的,有能力的”。ability名词意为“能力”。beable to意为“能”

例:Heis a very able businessman.他是一个很有才干的商人Heisaman ofmany abilities.他是一个有多方面才能的人。

9. I always have to worry about how I appear to others, and I have to bevery careful about what I say or do


要点精析 1

have to意为“不得不“

例: Please be quiet. I have to read the book for a test tomorrow请安静。为了明天的测试我不得不看书。

要点精析 2

worryabout sb./sth.意为“为某人/某事而焦虑烦恼、担心”,强调”担心”的


例:She worried about some little things.她为一些小事而烦恼

要点精析 3

howIappear to others 是宾语从句,作 worry about的宾语

10.... you have to be prepared to give up your normal life.......你必须准备好放弃你的正常生活.

要点精析 1

be prepared todosth.意为“准备好做某事;愿意做某事”,尤指做难做或通常不做的事情。

例:Are you prepared to give up freedom? 你愿意放弃自由吗?

要点精析 2

giveup意为“放弃”,其后接名词代词或动名词作宾语。giveup是“动词+副词型短语,后接代词作宾语时,代词应置于give 与up 之间。give up doing sth.意为“放弃做某事”

例:Ican'tanswer that puzzle.Igive it up.我猜不出那个谜语。我放弃它了

Don't give up studying English.不要放弃学习英语

11. Only a very small number of people make it to the top.只有很少的人能攀上成功之巅

averysmallnumber意为“极少数”,后接复数名词。Anumber of意为“许多的”,相当于alotof,起修饰作用"anumber of+可数名词复数”作主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式

例: There are a number of ants on the ground.地上有很多蚂蚁

12.givingaspeechin public 当众做演讲

要点精析 1

give a speech意为“做演讲”,相当于makea speech。speech 为可数名词,意为“讲话;发言“

例: They invited her to give a speech.他们邀请她做演讲

要点精析 2

in public意为“当众,在公共场合”

例: It is not polite to stare at others in public.在公共场合盯着别人看是不礼貌的


一、单项选择 15%

( )1. — Our holiday cost a lot of money.

— Did it? Well, it doesn’t matter _____ we enjoyed ourselves.

A. unless B. so that C. as long as

( )2. — What are we supposed to do first if we want to develop our village?

— Lots of new roads _____, I think.

A. must built B. can build C. must be built

( )3. — It’s been five years _____ we met last time.

— Yes. What a long time!

A. when B. until C. since

( )4. —Wow! What a beautiful coat!

—I bought it in Suzhou last year. It’s _____ silk. It’s dear.

A. made of B. made from C. made in

( )5. I don’t know_____.

A. what to do B. where to do C. how to do

( )6. No one can say for _____ what they are talking about.

A. certain B. certainly C. true

( )7. Your DNA is _____ your parents’, but it is _____ others’.

A. the same as; different from B. similar to; different from C. different from; similar to

( )8. Our teacher often _____ us to think _____ ourselves.

A. makes; for B. lets; of C. warns; for

( )9. Two-fifths of the paintings _____ Spring.

A. is named for B. are named by C. are named after

( )10. The machine always works _____ , but yesterday it went_____

A. well; wrong B. badly; wrong C. well; bad

( )11. A Disneyland Park _____ in Shanghai Pudong New Area in the near future.

A. builds B. has built C. will be built

( )12. — When did China _____ Shenzhou Ⅶ, do you remember?

— In September, 2008. The astronaut Zhai Zhigang took the Chinese first spacewalk.

A. send up B. sent out C. put up

( )13. They were searching the whole playground _____ the _____ book.

A. for; lose B. of; missed C. for; lost

( )14. — What do you think of Qian Xuesen?

— He made a great contribution _____ developing the space science of China.

A. to B. for C. by

( )15. — Do you know the earth is bigger than Mars?

— Yes. The earth is _____ as Mars

A. four times big B. as four times big C. four times as big

二、完型填空 10%

Man has done much research in our universe. Man has even invented four kinds of satellites. The first kind of satellite studies the geography of 1 , our home. It is used to make maps and also help countries to see where they may 2 oil and gold.

The second kind of satellite is used to guide ships and planes. A ship or a plane can 3 a message to the satellite, and can find out where it is.

The third kind studies the weather. These satellites watch clouds and strong wind 4 across the earth. They warn countries to be ready when the 5 weather is coming. They 6 of the earth from thousands of miles above it and send the photos to weather stations on the ground.

7 kind is used for communication. Telephone calls 8 countries can be sent by these satellites. Some can carry hundreds of calls at one time. A call is sent to the satellite, then the 9 sends it to a station in the country. These satellites also carry pictures. They can 10 and send about eight pictures at a time. People can send pictures to each other by mobile phones.

( ) 1. A. the sun B. the moon C. the earth

( ) 2. A. buy B. choose C. find

( ) 3. A. get B. send C. put

( ) 4. A. moving B. running C. walking

( ) 5. A. fine B. bad C. sunny

( ) 6. A. take photos B. make drawing C. have a look

( ) 7. A. The other B. Another C. The last

( ) 8. A. between B. in C. from

( ) 9. A. man B. satellite C. telephone

( ) 10. A. take B. bring C. receive

三、口语运用 15%


( )1. Do you believe there are aliens? A. No, I haven’t.

( )2. What are you going to be? B. I’m afraid not.

( )3. Have you found any life on Mars? C. I want to be a dancer.

( )4. Let’s go to see the movie E.T. D. Because I’m not allowed to play soccer.

( )5. Why are you unhappy? E. Good idea. I can’t wait

B从方框里选择适当的句子完成对话使句间通顺 10%

A: Look at that strange thing. Kangkang! What’s that?

A. Who was it invented by?

B. When was it invented?

C. What’s it used for?

D. What was it made of?

E. How can I ride and fly it

B: It’s a key.

A: 1

B: It’s used for opening and locking our auto-bike.

A: Auto-bike? 2

B: It was invented by my father.

A: What’s it then?

B: It’s a battery-operated machine and it was invented by me!

A: That’s funny. 3

B: A few days ago.

A: 4

B: It was made of iron. And it’s used for riding or flying.

A: Flying? That sounds interesting. 5

B: You can just ride it like an auto-bike and it will fly as it goes fast enough.

四、阅读理解 40%

A 10%


How to Lose Weight

Jack Brown was very fat and his wife was worried about his weight.

“You should see the doctor.” She said. “ Ask him how to lose weight. It’s not good for your health.”

“OK.” Jack said, and he went to see a doctor.

The doctor weighed him. Then he said, “You are 50 kilos too heavy. You must lose at least 30 kilos. Eat only fruit and vegetables and run five kilometers a day for the next 100 days. Then call and tell me how much you weigh.”

Jack went home and did what the doctor told him. One hundred days later, he called the doctor.

“Jack Brown here, doctor,” he said, “ I'm calling to tell you about my weight. You will be happy to know that I have lost 30 kilos.” .

“Excellent, " the doctor said.

“Yes, but there's a problem,” Jack said. “ I'm 500 kilometers away from home now!”

( )1. Jack went to see a doctor in order to become thinner.

( )2. The doctor asked Jack to take some medicine.

( )3.Jack followed the doctor's advice and lost 50 kilos.

( )4.The doctor was pleased with Jack's efforts at losing weight.

( )5.Jack is so far from home because he didn't turn around.

B 10%

Few people knew his name or his face. But when he came back to the earth after a 21-hour trip to space, Yang Liwei’s smile was seen across the world.

The 38-year-old astronaut was sent into space at 9:00 a.m. October 15, 2003 by China’s Shenzhou V spaceship, and it traveled around the earth 14 times. He landed safely at 6:23 a.m. the next day. So China became the third country to successfully send a person into space, after the former Soviet Union(前苏联) and the U.S.A.

Yang was pleased with his job. “I think ours was one of the most successful,” he said.

If you saw the breaking-up of the space plane named Columbia(哥伦比亚号) in February of 2003, you would know that Yang Liwei would be in great danger.

Yang experienced very high temperature, while the gravitational forces(地心引力) on taking off(起飞) and landing was strong enough to make tears from his eyes.

He has spent five years training to become a spaceman after 1350 hours’ flying in the air. Although it was hard work, Yang loved it. Yang’s success was well worth all the hard work. Yang has become China’s first spaceman.

( ) 1. What time was Yang Liwei sent into space?

A. At 9:00 a.m. B. At 21 o’clock. C. At 6:23 a.m.

( ) 2. From the passage, we know China has become _____ to send a man into space.

A. the first one B. the second one C. the third one

( ) 3. Which sentence is right?

A. Yang Liwei was pleased with his job. B. Yang Liwei works hard on his work. C. A and B

( ) 4. Shenzhou V spaceship spent _____ traveling around the earth at a time.

A. one hour B. two hours C. one hour and a half

( ) 5. How many times did Yang Liwei go around the earth?

A. 21 times. B. 14 times. C. Only one time.

C 10%

Cye is said to be the best and cheapest home robot on the market. It can’t make the bed or take out the rubbish, but it can carry things, clean the house and find a charger(充电器) when its battery is flat! The most advanced (先进的) robot in the world is Honda’s famous “Asimo”. It can walk like a human and even walk up and down stairs! Sony’s “Aibo” is a home robot that looks and acts like a dog.

What can home robots do now? Here are some examples:


Home robots can vacuum(用吸尘器清扫) the house, even if you’re not at home.


Robotics(机器人技术) is an exciting hobby for many people around the world. There are a lot of clubs, websites, newspapers and books for those who are interested in the topic. Home robots can play games, tell jokes, sing songs and even dance to music!

Danger detection(探测)

It will be easy to connect fire, smoke and other detectors to a home robot. Every night the robot can “make the rounds” to make sure that everything is OK.

( )1.According to the passage, Cye can’t .

A. carry things B. clean the house C. make the bed or take out the rubbish

( )2.The most advanced robot in the world .

A. can’t find a charger B. looks and acts like a dog C. can walk up and down stairs

( )3. Which of the following is NOT true about home robots?

A. They can play games, tell jokes, and even dance to music.

B. They can’t vacuum the house when you’re not at home.

C. They can try their best to make sure that everything is OK in your house.

( )4. The underlined phrase “make the rounds” means “ ” in Chinese.

A. 巡视 B.转圈 C.翻滚

( )5. What’s the best title for the passage?

A. Home Robots and People

B. Home Robots Are Coming

C. The History of Home Robots

D 10%

Herb was at home alone one night while his parents were out. 1 , so he wasn’t afraid.As he waited for his parents to return home, he watched the late film on TV. His eyes became heavier and heavier as the time passed.

2 What was that noise in the next room? Herb heard the window slowly being inched open. For a minute Herb was so frightened that he could not move, and his body felt like ice.

3 and began to think of the things he could do, He couldn't reach the telephone without passing the windows, where he had heard the noise and he couldn't reach the door. Again he heard the sound of somebody trying to climb into his home through the window.

Herb's drums were standing in the corner near the TV. “ 4 ,” thought Herb. He picked up the drumsticks and beat his drums as he could. The commotion(振动声)was so terrible that Herb surprised even himself. He also surprised the person in the window, who ran away as fast as possible. The burglary(盗窃) was out of sight soon!

Herb had just used his drums in a very unusual way. “ 5 ,” thought Herb with a smile on his face.


A. Suddenly Herb's eyes were opened wide

B. Maybe drums aren't such bad instruments after all

C. He had often stayed alone before

D. He knew that he mustn't lose his head

E. Wait, maybe there is something I can do

五、综合填空 5%


leg fast write box strange

Shlander is a man from space. He thinks the people and things on the earth are very 1 . He is 2 a letter to his friend at home now. Here is part of his letter. Read it and answer the questions.

Now I am in a strange world. It is very nice. There are many new things here. There are many earth monsters(怪物) here, too. The earth monsters look very funny. They have just one head, two arms and two 3 . They have thin black strings on their heads. Some earth monsters have brown or yellow strings. The earth monsters have a hole in their face. Every day, they put nice things and balls from the trees into the hole. They pour water into the hole, too. The earth monsters do not walk very 4 . They move from place to pace in tin boxes.

At night, the earth monsters like to look at a square window 5 . This box has very small earth monsters in it.

六、词汇 10%

A选词填空 5%

1. Several (thief /thieves) stole some famous pictures from the museum last night.

2. Edison (invented / discovered) the light bulb.

3. We (expect / hope) him to come back tomorrow.

4. It is reported that some animals have been (canceled /cloned) me not to play too much.

5. Some spaceships have gone (beyond / before) the solar system.

B根据中文提示,完成句子 5%

1. cloning can help save those animals in danger (无疑地)

2.This film is a science fiction (以 ……为基础)

3.The book reading (值得)

4.I will believe there are aliens I see them with my own eyes. (直到……才)

5.I dancing singing songs. (喜欢……胜过)

七、遣词造句 10%

1 2 3 4 5

1. hand in , on time ________________________________________________________

2. make, carbon ________________________________________________________

3. use, cut _________________________________________________________

4. allow, in the office _________________________________________________________

5. wish, some day _________________________________________________________

八、书面表达: 15%

网络已成为人们生活中很重要的一部分。它为我们的工作与生活提供了许多便利。请你以I like the Internet 为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。



1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. A

11. B 12. B 13. C 14. C 15. B 16. A 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. A

21.C 22. C 23. A 24. C 25. A 26.December 27.teaching 28.months29.nurse 30. fly


1. C 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. A

6. A 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. A

11. C 12. A 13. C 14. A 15. C

二、完形填空 (10%)

1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B

6. A 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. C


A 5% 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. E 5. D

B 10% 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. E


A.(10%)1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A

B.(10%)1. A 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. B

C.(10%)1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B

D.(10%)1. C 2. A 3. D 4. E 5. B


1. strange 2. writing 3. legs 4. fast 5. box


A.5% 1. thieves 2. invented 3. expect 4. cloned 5. beyond

B.5% 1. No doubt 2. based on

3. is worth 4. not until

5. prefer to


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