

作者:梦荧   发表于:
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1. post office 邮局

2. police station 警察局

3. pay phone 付费电话

4. Bridge Street 桥街

5. Center Street 中心大街

6. Long Street 长街

7. near here 附近

8. across from 在……对面

9. next to 挨着,靠近

10. between…and… 在……和……之间

11. in front of 在……前面

12. excuse me 劳驾

13. far from 离……远

14. go along… 沿着……走

15. turn right/left 向右/左转

16. on the(或one’s) right/left 在(某人的)右边/左边

17. in my neighborhood 在我的街区

18. look like 看起来像

19. in life 一生中

20. be free 免费的/有空的


1. Turn right / left at the +序数词+ crossing. 在第几个路口向右 / 左转。

2. spend + 时间 /金钱 + on sth. 花费时间/金钱在......

spend + 时间 / +金钱 (in) doing sth. 花费时间/金钱做某事

3. watch sb. doing 观看某人正在做某事

4. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事


1. —Is there a hospital near here? 这附近有医院吗?

—Yes, there is. It’s on Bridge Street. 是的,有。它在桥街上。

2. —Oh… where’s Center Street? 噢……中心大街在哪里?

—It’s not too far from here. 它离这儿不太远。

3. Go along Long Street and it’s on the right. 沿着长街走,它在右边。

4. Turn right at the first crossing. 在第一个十字路口向右转。



Where is the hotel? Let me tell you how to get there. Go down this road and then turn left. Go through First Street and Second Street. When you come to Third Street, turn right and walk on. You can see a bridge over a river. Go across the bridge. Then you can see the hotel. It’s on your right, across from the post office. You will find it.



1. _____________________ — Is there a fruit shop the neighborhoo?d — Yes, it' s ___ Center Street ___ the right. A. on;on; it B. in; on; in C. on;down; to D. in;down;on

解析:D 此题考查介词的用法。in the neighborhood “在附近”,用介词in。可 排除选项A、C。此题的答案为“沿着中心大街在右边”,故用介词down, “在 右边”用介词on。故选D。 2. —Thank you very much. A. No, thanks

B. No, you' re welcome C. You' re welcome D. Don't thank me

解析: C 此题考查日常交际用语,同时注意英语中的习惯用语。对于感谢的回 答有很多。 如:

Not at all./You are welcome./ That S all right./That' S OK.等

3. __________________________________ Bridge Street is a good place to have . A. fun C.funS B. a fun D.funning

,是不可数名词,故不能选 B 和 C 。名词没有

解析: A fun 意为“娱乐,乐趣” 现在分词的变化,故不选 D。

4. __________________ They take a walk the park every da.y A. acroSS C.paSt B. through D.paSS

解析:B across和 through两个介词都有“穿过”之意,用法不同。 across和 On 有关,表示动作在某一物体的表面进行,表示“横穿 /跨”。 through 的含义与 in 有关,表示动作在某物体所在的空间内进行。本题有一定的空间概念,故用 through。 5. __________ We are Ji ' nan next week. A. arriving at C.arriving in B. arrive in D.arrive at

解析:C 此题主要考查动词arrive的基本用法。arrive at表示到达较小的地方, arrive in表示到达较大的地方,另外此题还考查了现在进行时的用法, 所以选C


6.It 's v e ryYfaoru. can __ a bus.

A.sit C.by B.have D.take

解析: D 此句中缺少谓语动词, 故选 DO乘坐某种交通工具用动词take,如take a taxi, take a Car等。

7.Pass ____ avenu,e you Will see it. A.eighth C.eight B.the eighth D.the eight

解析: B 此题考查序数词和基数词的用法,此题意思是“穿过第八条大街” , 所以用序数词,注意序数词前用 the。

8.It is a small house ____ a small garden. A. has C.with B. to D.have

解析:C “它是一个带有小花园的小房子”,在英语中表示“有”的词有have, there be With等。have动词,在句中作谓语动词;there be表示“某处有某物”; with 介词,表示“和,, , 有或带着 ,, ” 。题中已有谓语动词, 因此不用 have, 只能选 With。

9. —Is there a bike in the supermarke?t

A. Yes, it is C.Yes,there isn't B. No, it isn't D.Yes,there is

解析:D 根据there be句型的回答,我们选择它的正确回答形式是: is.

10. ______________________ My best friend sits next me. A. to C.in B. on D.beside 解析: A 根据介词的固定搭配,我们选择 next to。

二、根据汉语完成英语句子 1. Seventh Street is a good place ____ .玩(得高兴 ) 2. 3. 4.

Let me ____ (帮助你 ) With your English.

Do you knoW the restaurant ____ (被叫作) Heping? I don't tell him hoW _____ (到达) the hotel.

Yes, there

5. He _____ a farmer ______ help.正在请求)

解析: 1. to have fun “玩得高兴”是动词词组,根据句意在此作定语修饰 place, 应用不定式。

2. help you let sb. do sth. “让某人做某事”,let后面的不定式作宾补时,要省 略 to。

3. called/named “被叫作 ,, 的” , 作定语。


4. to get to how to get to “怎样到达”

5. is asking for ask for向,,请求”。通过句意可知句子要用现在进行时,其 结构为 be + 现在分词。


There is an old man in a house.In the housethere are many mice.The old man has a cat.Every day the cat catches the mice and eats them.

One day, the old mouse say,s“ All mice must come to my room this evening.We must find a way to deal with the cat”.

All the mice come.Many mice speak,but they don't know what to do.At last,a young mouse stands up and say,s“We must put a bell on the cat.When the cat comes ne,ar we can hear the bell and run awa.Syo the cat can't catch us.”“Who can put the bell on the cat?” asks the old mouse.But no one answers. 1. There are many mice in the old man 2. The cat eats one mouse every da.y 3. The old mouse is clever and finds a wa.y

4. The young mouse is very brave and put a bell on the cat. 5. There are many mice there, but no one can find a good wa.y 解析:

1. T 我们从“ In the house there are many mice”. 得知此句是正确的。

2. F 我们从“ Every day the cat catches themice and eats them”. 得知:猫吃了不 只一只老鼠。所以该句是错误的。

3. F 我们从“ One day, the old mouse says, ‘All mice must come to my room this evening.We must find a Way to deal With the cat.' ” 得知 the old mouse没有找至U办 法。所以该句是错误的。

4. F 从最后一段中得知 “a young mouse OnIy SaySbut it doesn't PUt the bell On the cat”所以该句是错误的。

5. T 从 ‘'Who Can PUt the bell on the cat?' asks the old mouse.But no one answers”得知此句是正确的。






(3)学生能用不同的句型来介绍个人信息,如:My…’snameis…;His/Her favourite hobby is…;He/She is…years old,…centimetershigh.He/She lives in…etc。




I Sing a song.

II.Duty report(Ask the students some Wh-questions about the duty reporter)


1.Get ready for the listening.

Pay attention to the words:length n.长度,height n.高度,birth n.出生,blond adj.金色的.

2.Explain how to do the two parts of the listening.

A.Fill in the blanks in the table for the first time to listen.

B.Write the numbers 1-4 under the correct photos for the second time to listen.

3.Read the dialogues after finishing the listening.Pay attention to the Wh-questions.

IV.Practice in pairs.

1.Practice the dialogues in pairs.


Your deskmate:…

You:What colour is your hair?

Your deskmate:It’s_________(brown).

You:How long is your hair?

Yourdeskmate:It’s_________(very long).

You:What colour are your eyes?


You:How tall are you?


You:Where are you from?

Yourdeskmate:I am from_________(theUK).

You:What’s your favourite sport?


You:What’s your best subject?




2.Then fill in the information in the table.

Name Age



Best subject

Dream job

3.Introduce your deskmate to the class

My deskmate is______________.He/She is____________.

He/She has________________hairand___________eyes.

His/Her favourite hobby is____________

His/Her best subject is_____________.

And he/she wants to be_____________.


Describe one of your favorite teachers in our school!

My favourite teacher


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